Hello, This is the first post on my newly minted site!
I will be posting about my interests in various hobbies and projects from Minetest Game-play and Java to MySQL and other relational, embedded and, No SQL databases. I recently started a YouTube channel highlighting the open-source game Minetest which is similar to Minecraft. The key feature is that it is not only free but also open-source making it easy for anyone to see the code and participate in the coding and addition of mods that enhance game-play.
I originally started this server while attending college as a test lab for class projects in web design and database design. After graduating I continued working on the server to learn new technologies that interested me. For example, my web design class final morphed into a full blown site. I continuously use the server to work on and learn using the following languages and server applications,
- Apache Server
- JavaScript
- HTML5 – Responsive page design
- Encryption
- Highcharts library
I mainly use the site, which I will highlight in future posts, in tracking workouts and displaying various information on a dashboard made from Highcharts.
I choose WordPress because the installation seamlessly integrated into my server. I also did not want to program a CMS from scratch because I will be using this site with my YouTube channel YouTube Channel Richard Jeffries.
Please check back for more posts and check out the my YouTube channel!
Thanks for visiting!
Richard: I know you are going to be excited by this page. There are about 7 things that look interesting here: https://www.youtube.com/user/nycexs/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=4