Minetest Gameplay EP393 New Worlds
Minetest Gameplay EP392 Finished Castle and New Worlds
Minetest Gameplay EP390 Underground Castle Progress
Minetest Gameplay EP389 Underground Castle and Mines
Herrick Lake Underwater Video take 2
Today’s episode covers
another try at taking a video of fish underwater at Herrick Lake in Wheaton Illinois on 9/10/2022.
I messed up the video settings on the GoPro but the content makes up for the mistake. Check out the fish at 1:49 he comes into the frame, looks at the camera, and then backs out slowly 🙂
Check out my new website at https://rgsproductions2005.com
Thanks for Watching!
Minetest Gameplay EP388 Finished Condo and Hidden Rooms
Fireworks Finally 9-4-2022
Lombard Fireworks Finally 9/4/2022 Badly shot video of the rescheduled forth of July fireworks. Here is the finally of the 30 minute fireworks display.
Just sharing, enjoy.